February 2025  |  Grand Opening Galerie Makowski in Paris FR

On the occasion of the Grand Opening of the new Galerie Makowski in Paris I was represented with one artwork of my project BER Quadriga. It was ome kind of senitmental feeling for me because my first artworks for "l'architecture en cinémascope" was created in Paris ten years ago.

December 2024  |  AOTU X-mas Bazaar 2024  in Beijing, Dongcheng District

With one artwork I participted at the X-mas Bazaar of the AOTU Contemporary Art Space on Saturday December 14th and Sunday December 15th. This was my last event for the year 2024.

December 2024  |  aqua art miami in Miami Beach FL (USA)

It's the first time I was represented by Galerie Makowski with two pieces of my artworks at the at fair AQUA ART MIAMI at the Aqua Hotel in Miami Beach FL.

The event was held during the famous Miami Art Week from December 4th until December 8th 2024.

November/December 2024  |  little treasures  in Bologna IT

Two pieces of my artworks were presented at this group exhibition kurated by Trevisan Internatioanl Art at the Galleria De Marchi in Bologna / Italy from November 30th to December 11th. And based on the concept of the exhibition to show artwork in square formats I created two diptyques especially for this event and they also fits nicely as four squares in a line. 


October/November 2024  |  AOTU Contemporary Art Space  in Beijing, Dongcheng District

Adhoc in Chinese Speed - just getting a notice 18 hours before the exhibition starts I was able to bring one of my Polaroid artwork to AOTU Contemporary art space in Beijing to hang it there for one week.

September/November 2024  |  Café Zarah  in Beijing, Dongcheng District 

The first solo exhibition in China took place at Café Zarah in Beijing, running from September 26th to November 20th. Most of the displayed artwork was created in Beijing, as showcased in my gallery under "13 CHINA Architecture." Here, I began experimenting with combining two images of the same building into a diptych, offering a novel and distinct perspective. Additionally, the "10 Project 83" images were featured in the exhibition.


May 2024 | MUNICH ART HOUSE  Pop up exhibition at THE MALT

Before the official opening of THE MALT in Munich-Allach tis space was dedicated to art for three days. It was great for me to take part.

April 2024 | super+ Open Ateliers at Kunstlabor 2 again

April 2024 | ARTMUC  Munich's largest art festival 

First time for me that I take part with some of my projects. It was a great opportunity to present my photography in this environment.

December 2023 | Nice surprise - I've got an lensculture EDITORS' PICK for one of my entries for the Art Photography Award 2024.

November 2023 | super+ Open Ateliers at Kunstlabor 2


As a guest, I exhibited some of my photo projects here and for the first time I was able to hang TRIPLE SIX in its entirety format.

Juli 2023 | SPC Photo Awards Munich at Galerie Weltraum

Among the entries, a jury chose my image Hippopotamus V from the series AFRICA B&W among the 40 best pictures and printed it in a large format - HAPPY HIPPO ...

Juli 2023 | Summer Art Market superateliers

At the KL2 summer party, I took part in the group exhibition of our studio community.

November 2022 | super+ Open Ateliers at Kunstlabor 2

Mai 2022 | super+ Offene Ateliers im Kunstlabor 2

Juni/Juli 2018 | Second solo exhibition in the showroom at Ackermannbogen in Munich.

Oktober 2016 | First solo exhibition in the showroom at Ackermannbogen in Munich. The newspaper SZ (Sueddeutsche Zeitung) has reported about it:

Schwabing - Montierte Wirklichkeit - München - SZ.de (sueddeutsche.de)